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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2017

When Nature is shouting for help

Helping Papa (mother's Earth) In the last Polynesian dance class at KAUST, I was talking you about the tale of Papa and Wakea . At the end of the class, I read you a brief text of the real meaning of Aloha and how we can connect the hula steps and Tahitian dance moves with Nature. After a strong workout and when you, amazing hula dancer, was with your eyes closed, I was reading the following text:  "Aloha is being a part of all, and all being a part of me. When there is pain - it is my pain. When there is joy - it is also mine. I will not willfully harm anyone or anything. When food is needed I will take only my need and explain why it is being taken. The earth, the sky, the sea are mine to care for, to cherish and to protect [1]. "Kindly I work with unity, truthfulness, and humility. I am patient but I have perseverance." I decide to "joyfully share the breath of life". This is Hawaiian - this is Aloha!"  The only constant in lif

Did you know the tale about the first taro plant and the real meaning of Aloha?

Aloha! Probably, many of you have heard the word "Aloha" for saying "Hello or Goodbye" in Hawai'i, however, this ancient word has a deeper meaning rather than just a greeting word.  Even though there are different conceptions of what this word means, I will like to share one Hawaiian tale that appears to be interesting, as this story also represents the existence of the taro plant, a staple of the Polynesian diet.  The story begins with the prime Earth Mother; Papa and the Sky Father; Wakea. From their union, a male child was born but the baby died after birth, he was then buried by his parents. From his dead body grows a shoot that Wakea names Haloa, this shoot becomes the first taro plant.  Papa and Wakea gave birth to another male child and to honor his sibling, they named him Haloa and he becomes the prime ancestor of mankind.  Image source: For me, this tale represents the conn

Polynesian dance module #1

Objective To learn the basic steps of different Polynesian dances while doing a full body workout. By the end of the module the student will be able to identify different Polynesian rhythms and learn one Hula song ('auana). Duration: 4 weeks Song(s) to be learned: Ka Uluwehi o Ke Kai (Hula 'auana) Spotify playlist: Polynesian dance 1 # Song Origin Type of music Information link 1 Tangaroa Whakamautai New Zealand Maori 2 Aia Lä `O Pele I Hawai`i Hawai'i Hula kahiko (ancient hula) 3 I Mauna Lahilahi Hawai'i Hula kahiko (ancient hula) 4 Pa Ka Makani Hawai'i Hula kahiko (ancient hula)